Artist, writer

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Support local artists for the holidays


Come and see the talented artists at the Art Gym this Thursday! I will have some holiday ornaments for sale based on my original photographs. You can also see my latest small encaustic works.

Art Gym houses artists from many disciplines– metalsmiths, printmakers, digital artists, painters, illustrators, performing artists, sculptors and culinary artists. This year, our members will come together to exhibit work in a Holiday Fine Arts Festival that offers smaller, affordable artwork for the holiday season. Our culinary artists will also present their work for sale.

The festival opens with a reception party December 7, from 5-8pm at Art Gym, so you can taste what our culinary artists have to offer, and finish your holiday shopping with unique gifts all while supporting local artists.

Or come and shop any time during Gallery hours Tuesday – Saturday from 9 am – 6 pm.